How Chatbots Can Help Homebuilders and What Are The Benefits?
The following guest blog was written by Ester Liquori, CEO of You Are My Guide – Ghostwriter AI
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Chatbots and conversational AI are becoming increasingly popular. For small businesses, they offer a great chance to grow their customer base quickly. If you are looking for a chatbot assistant to work on your website, you have various options.
In this article, we have listed the best chatbots and conversational AI for homebuilders, remodelers, and home improvement companies and their use cases so that you can choose the best one as per your needs.
United States of America Housing Market
The housing market in the United States is the world’s largest. According to Statista, “The average sales price of a new home in 2020 was 389,400 U.S. dollars and in 2021, it reached 408,800 U.S. dollars.”
Chatbots and conversational AI can provide automated customer service to people who don’t want to go through a lengthy call or email process that will take hours.
The first step of using chatbots when personalizing automation and engagement for companies in home improvement is understanding and knowing how it can benefit your business. It’s important to know what you want your chatbot to do and what specific features you want it to have.
What Home Improvement Companies Need to Know About Chatbots
Chatbots and conversational AI are typically used for customer service. They are programmed to answer customer questions, schedule appointments, or give directions. Chatbots are being used more and more across industries.
The home improvement industry is one of the first industries to embrace chatbot technology. Chatbots can answer questions about services offered, link to thought leadership content, answer questions regarding processes and even set and confirm appointments.
Since chatbot technology is so new, it’s hard to tell what the future will look like with these tools in the home improvement space. But there’s no doubt that these bots will change how we interact with customers in ways we don’t even know about yet. According to BusinessWire, “The Global Chatbots Market is likely to grow at a CAGR of around 24.1% during the forecast period of 2021-2026.”
3 Reasons You Need a Chatbot
Chatbots are revolutionizing the way we interact with companies. They are gaining momentum these days, as they are becoming more and more intelligent. They can answer our questions, update us about events or promotions, send coupons to our phones or even make bookings for us.
We have listed three reasons why you should consider getting a chatbot assistant for your business:
– Chatbots can provide 24/7 customer service.
– Chatbots can generate leads with the use of personalized messages and prompts.
– Chatbots can be integrated with your CRM system to follow up with customers after each interaction.
How to Choose Which Chatbot Fits Your Needs?
AI-based virtual assistant chatbot
Virtual assistance chatbots are predicted to become mainstream in 2022. They can be used for information gathering, organizing appointments, managing projects, and more.
There are two main types of virtual assistant chatbots for home improvement service providers. It can be based on an automated workflow of questions and answers or AI-enabled, dealing with open questions.
Interactive virtual assistants (IVA) have been a common practice in the workplace for a while now. These assistants offer a range of services, from customer service to content creation. The next step in this trend is merging virtual assistants with chatbots to provide even greater assistance to employees and businesses.
Suppose you want a smooth conversational transaction between your company and the potential customer. In that case, you must adopt an AI-based virtual assistant chatbot.
AI-chatbots learn from previous conversations with the user and respond based on what it has learned. An example of a conversational chatbot is WAD, the NLP chatbot engine created by Ghostwriter AI. Virtual assistants are usually more human-like, which makes them able to provide more personalized interactions that vary depending on who they speak to.
The customer experience gains a lot from using these new technologies since they enable gathering and providing more realistically and conversationally.
You can even connect your Conversational Chatbot to a text-to-speech feature so that your chatbot can even speak with your customers.
Training and AI chatbot takes a little bit more but brings you more value in the long term.
Retaining a customer, satisfying the needs, continuously improving your system, and allowing you to have a restless companion that will manage most of the conversational flows.
Rules-based Chatbot
Rules-based Chatbots are more stupid than virtual assistants but easier to use. Rules-based chatbots can provide real-time answers to those questions that have been included in the conversational flow. Think about a chart where everything is established. There is no space for open questions or personalization.
On the other hand, with proper training and feedback, AI virtual assistants can reply to any question you may have regarding your home improvement business.
Conclusion: Why You Need To Invest In AI Chatbots And Start Using Them Today
In this article, we have explored how AI chatbots can reduce the workload of customer care representatives. In addition, we discussed how virtual assistant chatbots could be incorporated into various aspects of your business. We also discussed their potential benefits.
OneLeg is our exclusive partner in North America for GhostWriter technology. Contact us today if you’re interested in learning more about what a chatbot can do for your business.
Author: Ester Liquori
CEO of You Are My Guide – Ghostwriter AI | B2B entrepreneur in AI, I help companies improve conversations with customers through data. Passionate about humans, machine lovers.