Beri Cheetham Chief Creative Officer

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Vic Sun

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OneLeg, the customer experience agency relentlessly pursuing zero marketing waste, today announced the addition of Beri Cheetham who will consult with OneLeg as our Chief Creative Officer.

In this role, Beri will help ensure we deliver world-class creative—based on his vast experience and more than 150 awards earned over 20 years, working for global advertising agencies like Leo Burnett, and independents such as The Gate Worldwide. 

With his trademark passion for great ideas wedded to beautiful craft, he produces work that always drives effectiveness. He’s hugely collaborative, fun to work with, and quite frankly, brilliant.

Formally educated with a BA (Hons) in Graphic Design, Beri also recently completed a Mini MBA in Brand Management to further fuel his belief that effectiveness and art can be inextricably linked. 

Beri divides his time between a career as a fine artist and consulting with a handful of companies he loves, including OneLeg.