Dormeo is in a highly competitive market (D2C mattress and Mattress Toppers). Under new leadership more than a year ago, the marketing and sales team have worked hard to solidify their market position—and have done so successfully. But after the holidays, they found they were throwing more money into marketing to sell the same amount of product. Their MER had stagnated and began a slow decline to level off at a 2X of marketing ad spend. The CEO mandated to his team they needed to broaden their efforts, and this is where OneLeg came in.
To start, we initiated a quick three-week discovery period to familiarize ourselves with all the advertising and marketing work they were executing. We then provided a recommendation to provide a content heavy earned social media and influencer relations campaign to compliment their Facebook advertising efforts. We supplemented our content efforts with a bespoke video asset development sprint, which saw us create nearly 30-minutes of custom video content which focused on telling the stories of those who used the mattress topper through to those who made the mattress topper, highlighting all the positive aspects of the brand and experience.
Following a steady decline that started in September 2020, OneLeg has helped Dormeo grow from a 2X MER to nearly a 4X MER in the last quarter (2021). Social engagement is up 68 percent and they have grown their influenceable audience by 20+ percent (across platforms) over the previous business quarter. Additionally, we have begun an influencer/reviews outreach campaign to further reinforce purchasing decisions at the lower stages of the buyer funnel.